Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted Driving Accidents Lawyer in Commerce City, CO, Providing Compassionate Legal Assistance to Accident Victims

Of the many causes of car accidents, distracted driving ranks among the most frustrating. To think that a person could seriously injure another person or maybe even kill an individual because they were busy texting on their smartphone. Tragic and stupid though such a car crash might be, it is also heartbreakingly commonplace. That’s part of why many states have begun implementing strict distracted driving laws, like Colorado’s laws against texting while driving.

If you’ve been injured or lost a loved one in a collision with a negligent driver, you may be eligible to recover financial compensation via an insurance claim and a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. For help in accomplishing your goals, it’s highly recommended that you seek legal guidance from a law firm experienced in handling these types of accidents.

Flanagan Law offers compassionate legal representation to clients and their loved ones impacted by traumatic auto accidents. To talk about your distracted driving accident case more, please call our Commerce City law office to schedule a free case review.

What Are Colorado’s Distracted Driving Laws?

Colorado’s distracted driving laws and violations are different for adults and minors.

Adults in Colorado are prohibited from cell phone texting or using another handheld electronic device for reading and writing. The initial violation results in minimal fines, but those fines are increased with each subsequent violation. And if the breach of this law results in an accident causing bodily injury or wrongful death, the defendant may receive prison time.

Adults are, however, allowed to speak into cell phones using an earbud, speaker, or other hands-free device.

Those under 18 are not allowed any cell phone use while driving.

What Are Examples of Distracted Driving?

Negligent and distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. When a vehicle is in motion, a driver should devote as much attention to the operation of that vehicle as possible. Motorists have a duty not to endanger others they share the road with, including paying proper attention.

Examples of distracted driving include:

  • Applying makeup and other personal grooming.
  • Checking on children in the backseat while the car is in motion.
  • Eating or drinking while driving.
  • Focusing on the radio to change stations or volume.
  • Listening to or dancing along with loud music.
  • Programming a GPS device or other dashboard display.
  • Reading books or maps.
  • Talking to passengers in their vehicle.
  • Texting and other smartphone use.
  • Vaping and smoking.
  • Watching videos.

These distractions can lead to reduced reaction time and impaired decision-making, possibly injuring yourself, your passengers, other motorists, or pedestrians.

Distracted driving accident injuries, like bruises, cuts, or whiplash, could be minor. But the accidents can be serious, as well, possibly resulting in catastrophic injuries like traumatic brain damage, loss of limbs, or even fatal wounds.

What Kind of Settlement Could You Recover with a Strong Personal Injury Claim?

With a well-presented case, your personal injury attorney can help you negotiate a proper settlement with the insurance company. And if the insurance payout is insufficient for the damages you’ve suffered, your lawyer will also pursue damages by filing a lawsuit against the liable parties in your case.

You may be rewarded financial recovery through economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages may include:

  • Burial costs, in cases where you lost a loved one.
  • Cost of physical therapy.
  • Lost future income due to diminished earning potential.
  • Lost wages.
  • Medical bills were left outstanding after the accident.
  • Necessary future medical treatment.
  • Property damage.

Non-economic damages can include:

  • Disfigurement.
  • Emotional distress.
  • Loss of companionship.
  • Lost quality of life.
  • Mental anguish.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Permanent disability.
  • Wrongful death.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

In order to win your distracted driving case, it’s necessary to gather evidence proving the other driver’s negligence led to the accident. Failure to do so may result in your claims being denied. This process can be complicated for a legal novice, let alone a person still recovering from a severe injury or grieving the loss of a family member.

Flanagan Law can help lift the burden from your shoulders by negotiating with insurance companies, dealing with opposing counsel, providing injured victims with our network of medical providers, and lending our ongoing legal support.

Our firm offers free consultations and works on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you don’t owe us anything in legal fees unless we win your case.

Call our law offices today at 720-928-9178.