Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk Driving Accidents Lawyer in Commerce City, CO, Providing Dedicated Legal Representation to Those Impacted by Drunk Drivers in Colorado

Despite the strict laws and penalties for violating those laws, drunk drivers remain a constant threat on America’s roadways, and Colorado is no exception to that fact. Those driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths nationwide each year. Those impacted by a drunk driving crash in Colorado have the legal right to pursue compensation from at-fault parties responsible for the accident.

While you may be in a hurry to recover a settlement from the insurance company or file a civil lawsuit against the at-fault party, please wait a moment and consider your options. While you may argue your case yourself, you have a better chance of recovering larger settlements with the help of a drunk driving accident attorney.

Samantha Flanagan is a well-regarded personal injury lawyer with experience serving injured clients and the families of those killed by drunk drivers. Contact our law firm to discuss whether you have a valid civil case and what other legal options you might have going forward. You may be able to recover a fair settlement that can go a long way toward debts owed for medical expenses, lost income, and burial costs.

What Should You Do if You Are Struck by a Drunk Driver in Commerce City?

The first thing you should do after a car accident is check for injuries to yourself and your passengers. If you are well enough, check for injuries of anyone else involved in the collision.

Call 911 to speak with law enforcement and request medical aid. Even if you feel all right, you should still seek medical attention. While awaiting police and paramedics, attempt to speak to witnesses and the other driver, if possible.

After receiving medical care, document all injuries and damage caused by the intoxicated driver. Then, call a drunk driving accident lawyer in your area for legal assistance.

What Are Colorado’s Drunk Driving Laws?

If drugs or alcoholic beverages impair a driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle, they may be charged with a DUI or DWI. Breath tests and the blood alcohol level (collectively known as BAC, for breath/blood alcohol content) of a driver are crucial to determining whether someone is over the legal limit. The severity of the BAC can play a direct role in how long a license will be revoked. And repeat offenders will face harsher financial penalties and incarceration sentencing. The BAC level is more restrictive for persons under age 21.

In addition to concerns about alcohol, if a driver’s blood shows five nanograms or more of THC, the state will have reason to believe they were driving under the influence of marijuana.

When law enforcement requests a driver to take a breath, blood, saliva, or urine test to determine BAC, the driver must comply. Those who refuse to undergo the requested test could lose their driver’s license, even if they have no alcohol in their system.

Who or What May Be Held Liable for Damages?

In addition to potentially filing a civil claim against the drunk driver, you may also be able to seek compensation from those who enabled the driver or over-served them with alcohol. Suppose you suffered a catastrophic injury or lost a loved one in a fatal accident. In that case, you have the right to file a claim against a dram shop or other drinking establishment, a restaurant, and the bartender or social host.

Bars have a responsibility not to over-serve alcohol to their patrons. If they believe that a patron has drunk enough that their decision-making abilities have impaired, they should hold the patron until they are well enough or call for a ride to pick them up.

Drunk driving accident victims should not accept that these establishments are over-serving customers. Not only did their actions directly lead to your accident, but they could allow future accidents to happen as well.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced DUI Accident Attorney in Commerce City Today

Samantha Flanagan is an experienced drunk driving injury lawyer and can help you recover economic damages (property damage, medical bills, physical therapy, lost wages), non-economic damages (lost quality of life, pain and suffering, emotional distress, wrongful death), and punitive damages in cases of gross negligence. Each drunk driving accident case is unique, though all are emotionally charged and deserving of respectful legal representation.

To recover the compensation that you deserve, call the Flanagan Law offices to schedule your free consultation today. 720-928-9178.